Get Your Boots on the Ground: The Importance of Scouting and Knowing the Land you Hunt

Scouting plays a crucial part for preparing for your hunt and understanding the deer behavior and population in your area.

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5 Fall Scouting Tips You Should Know About

Scouting is all about preparation, and the more effort you put into understanding the game and terrain, the better your chances for success this hunting season.

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Essentials Of A Hunting Wardrobe – Choosing The Right Pieces For Your Closet

There are three basic rules that you can follow to start building your wardrobe. The DSG website will actually allow you to filter your results via weather, or the game...

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The Role of Ethics in the Sport of Hunting

Dive into the core principles of hunting ethics and explore how responsible hunters can ensure the conservation of wildlife and the preservation of the natural environment.

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Tactical Tips to Prepare for Big Game Hunting

Be at your best when the big game hunting season arrives, with technical gear and tactical tips from DSG Outerwear.

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Blaze Orange Hunting Requirements, by State (USA)

Planning a hunting trip? Read up on the blaze orange hunting requirements in your state at DSG Outerwear! We've created an easy-to-read state by state guide.

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Elk Stroganoff

Learn how to whip up this delicious elk stroganoff recipe today at DSG Outerwear. This easy to follow recipe is the perfect comfort food for cold weather.

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One Scent Ahead: Working with the Wind

Boost your hunting odds by knowing how to work the wind in your favor! These simple hunting tips can be used when hunting deer, moose and other big game.

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