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Keeping Comfortable While Surf Fishing

Spring surf fishing can mean some of the coldest times of the year on the coast. Get the tips and gear you need to be comfortable during surf fishing adventures!

It’s April, so, for some of you reading this, your first trips to the coast may already be in the rearview. But for the rest of us, the first surfcasting trip of the season is yet on the horizon, and it’s still pretty early in the year.

Given that fact, here are some of our best tips for keeping comfortable when surf fishing.

If It’s Going to Be Cold, Dress Appropriately

For surfcasters in the northeast and northwest, these are some of the coldest times of year on the coast. Temperatures can be more than 20 degrees colder along the water than they are only an hour inland, so you need to be prepared.

For one thing, even though some surf anglers wet wade in the summer, you should never do that in the early season when water temperatures are at their coldest of the year. Wear a good set of insulated neoprene waders which will help you keep warm and dry. For your base layer and leggings, wear wool. It will stay warm, even if it gets wet.

Remember, if you fish later in the day when the sun is up and you get hot, you can always shed layers - but you can add layers if you didn’t come prepared.

Rig Your Rods at Home

Many surfcasters start the day long before the sun comes up or hit the beaches long after the sun has set. While species like bluefish, striped bass, and sharks feed voraciously in low light conditions, darkness makes tying rigs difficult - and you don’t want to lose a trophy because of a poorly tied knot that slipped.

So, whether you’re fishing high-low rigs or just have a snap swivel on the end there so you can easily swap out your lure, tie it at home. It’s easier to do with good lighting and you won’t be dealing with distracting wind and cold.

                   Women’s Fishing Rain Gear

Protect Your Hands

If you have to cast a heavy bait rig once or twice, you’ll be fine. If you have to throw a 2-ounce or even a 1-ounce spoon or plug while searching along the suds, pretty soon your hands will be in fairly sore shape. If you cast a spinner, your casting index finger takes the brunt of the force. If you cast conventional tackle, your thumb will get pretty badly chafed by the rotation of the spool while casting.

You can buy commercially available thumb and casting finger protectors but they tend to be overly bulky and compromise your dexterity, not to mention the fact that they are usually fairly expensive. Instead, wrap your casting finger or thumb a few times with duct tape, electrical tape, or athletic tape, all three of which will still allow you fairly good sensitivity while taking some of the bite out of each cast.

Bring Sunscreen, Bug Spray, and Water

If you fish at night, sunscreen is no problem. However, even on cold days early in the season, the sun’s direct rays can burn you even if the air temperature remains cold. So, if you fish during the day, always adequately protect against the sun.

In the northeast and southeast, particularly, biting flies like greenheads, deerflies, and no-see-ums can make surfcasting a nightmare when winds are calm or wafting in from overland. Bring some bug spray just in case.

Last but not least, wind and cold temperatures can dehydrate you just as well as the hot sun. Always keep a quart or so of water in your surf bag or in the truck, and make a conscious effort to remember to hydrate, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

Wear Women’s Fishing Rain Gear If There’s Going to Be an Onshore Wind

               women’s fishing rain gear

Even in bright, clear, skies, a stiff onshore wind can carry enough spray out of the wash to soak you to the bone in an hour or less. Therefore, if the weather calls for rain or a strong prevailing winds from over the water, it’s a good idea to wear comfortable women’s fishing rain gear.

Women’s fishing rain gear from our collection, particularly our Journey Rain Jackets and Pants, are engineered to keep you dry, warm and comfortable, even in a driving rain. (Our Harlow Jackets and Bibs are great too, but unfortunately, not intended for use around saltwater.)

They’re lightweight, waterproof, and breathable; the jackets even feature underarm ventilation and cord-adjusted hoods and hems to keep out the rain or spray. Comfortable, lightweight, and most importantly, dry, our women’s fishing rain gear is ideal for when rain threatens or a strong onshore wind promises to soak you.

Wear Comfortable Footwear If You “Walk It”

Some surfcasters soak bait. Others are more itinerant and prefer to “walk it and work it” moving up and down along the wash, throwing artificials at eddies, rocks, pilings, and deep spots in the surf. For these lady surf anglers, staying comfortable and supported while walking it just as important as staying dry. Choose a good pair of rubber rain boots or wading boots that will support you and offer you sure footing.

For instance, if the beach is sandy, a nice pair of rubber or neoprene boots might do - but if your coast is rocky, such as it is in New England or the PNW, it’s in your best interest to get a pair of wading boots with metal studs for traction, or, if you prefer (and they are legal in your state) felt soles, which offer good traction on slippery rocks.

Just remember, if you wear felt soles, make sure they are legal where you plan to fish, and either disinfect them appropriately or allow them to dry completely before taking them to a new fishing location as felt soles can trap and transport bacteria, parasites, and invasive species.

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